Microplastic in the environment – sources, impacts & solutions

Venue: 23 – 25 November 2015, Maternushaus, Cologne, Germany

Plastic particles with a diameter smaller than 5 mm are referred to as microplastics. These can be secondary fragments created by the breaking up of larger pieces of plastic such as packaging materials, or fibres that are washed out of textiles. They can also be primary plastic particles produced in microscopic sizes. These include particles used in cosmetics and in other body care applications.

What are the most important sources of microplastics? This question will be answered by the latest findings of studies in Norway, Denmark and Germany. Different sources of microplastics will be introduced to derive a comprehensive understanding of their origins as well as their fate and accumulation in the environment.


Plastic bottle recycling stagnates in the US

Data from the Container Recycling Institute

"According to the National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR), 5,764 million pounds of PET bottles and jars were available for recycling in 2013. About 85% of those bottles are used for food and beverages, or 4,899 million pounds. NAPCOR reported that 369 million pounds of recycled PET bottles were used in 2013 to make new food and beverage bottles. CRI used this information to calculate the national average recycled content for PET for food and beverage containers." (CRI)


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CommBeBiz Award 2015

P4SB submitted an application for the CommBeBiz Award 2015 for innovation in EU Bioeconomy research http://commbebiz.eu/. Let´s see, if we can make it!

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Follow P4SB via Twitter now! We just need to create a LinkedIn-profile and to realise our website (we are working on it!)... Stay tuned!

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Die Welt ein bisschen besser machen...

Uni Leipzig erschließt neue Verfahren zum Plastikrecycling

Forscher der Arbeitsgruppe Mikrobiologie und Bioverfahrenstechnik entwickeln neuartige Biokatalysatoren aus Mikroorganismen zum Abbau von Polyester und Polyurethanen, um so die Umweltbelastung zu reduzieren. Das Projekt ist Teil des neuen, internationalen Verbundvorhabens im Rahmen von "Horizont 2020", dem Rahmenprogramm der Europäische Union für Forschung und Innovation.

Die Welt ein bisschen besser machen...

P4SB is not the only one having the aim using plastic waste

P4SB is not the only one having the aim using plastic waste to produce useful materials. Lots of money and effort is done to achieve our goal in different sectors as well.
